Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst

Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst

Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst
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Exam Info

The Test Manager has overall responsibility for establishing and managing a risk-based testing strategy. The Test Manager usually will request the involvement of the Technical Test Analyst to ensure the risk-based approach is implemented correctly. Because of their particular technical expertise, Technical Test Analysts are actively involved in the following risk-based testing tasks: Risk identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation. These tasks are performed iteratively throughout the project to deal with emerging product risks and changing priorities, and to regularly evaluate and communicate risk status. Technical Test Analysts work within the risk-based testing framework established by the Test Manager for the project. They contribute their knowledge of the technical risks that are inherent in the project, such as risks related to security, system reliability and performance.

Exam Skills:

1.    Risk Based Testing

a.    Risk Identification

b.    Risk Assessment

c.    Risk Mitigation

2.    Structure Based Testing

a.    Condition Testing

b.    Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MC/DC) Testing

c.    Path Testing

d.    API Testing

e.    Selecting a Structure-Based Technique

3.    Analytical Techniques

a.    Static Analysis

b.    Dynamic Analysis

4.    Quality Characteristics for Technical testing

a.    General Planning Issues

b.    Security and Reliability Testing

c.    Performance Testing

d.    Resource Utilization

e.    Maintainability Testing

f.     Portability Testing

5.    Reviews

a.    Using Checklist in Reviews

6.    Test Tools and Automation

a.    Integration and Information interchange

b.    Defining the Test Automation Project

c.    Specific Test Tools




Exam Skills

Certification Exam: Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst

Exam TypeCertification
Duration2 hours, 30 minutes
Number Of Question45
Success Score70%
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Evaluation Exam: Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst

Exam TypeEvaluation
Exam CodeTTA1 ISTQB-BCS-eval
Duration1 hour
Number Of Question20
Success Score70%
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